
“Watkins is awesome to work with. She helps guide the organizing and sorting process with ideas, vision, and empathy. She’s down to earth, honest, helpful, kind, and hard working, all wrapped in a nonjudgemental package. As they say, she’s ‘good people’, and she has great tips/recommendations for recycling, donating, etc. I highly recommend her services.”

— Charlie M, Cramped Kitchen, Midtown

“I want to share a story. Today my new (and truly amazing lady) friend came to help sort my shit. The pantry, which was once organized and lovely, had derailed into an anxiety inducing rat hole. I tried twice to fix it and I got so overwhelmed that I ignored it. Watkins from Sort My Shit what to do, how to tackle and reorganize into a better system. It was incredible. Look at the pictures.. we took everything out and sorted through things that had gone bad and then got everything back in. I even got a basket back that I sacrificed to the pantry! It’s beautiful now. Thank you so much Watkins!! So friends- if you have an anxiety inducing rat hole or an annoying closet that swallows clothes.. call her. She’s here for it.

— Vanessa B, Rathole Pantry, Woodstock

“WATKINS IS 110% AMAZING. Literally helped me for hours-- I have not only cleaned out drawers but was also able to clean out a dresser, external closet and regular closet within a few short hours. All the clothes/items that mean something to me are visible and organized AND I've been able to keep them that way. Watkins isn’t just skilled at helping you getting rid of unwanted items, but helps you recognize what you value and reach your goals for your home!”

— Karen R, Closet, Buckhead